
Slave breeding and forced sex claims of atheists debunked!! Exodus 21:4

Q4. Did God permit slave breeding program in Exodus 21:4? Was this a trick to permanently enslave Hebrew slaves? Were the slaves forced to have sex?
Ans: Well, this is a very controversial verse, Bible commentators hold different views about this. But let us look at the atheistic view: atheists say that this promotes slave breeding program and rape or forced sex of slaves. Again, this is a false claim.

(rape or forced sex): Exodus 21:4 literally doesn't indicate anything forced, this is a made up and false view because rape (Deuteronomy 22:25-27) and prostitution (Leviticus 19:29Deuteronomy 23:17-18are prohibited. 

(slave breeding & permanent servitude): Now Atheists read Exodus 21:4 by keeping the idea of immoral Slave breeding in United States. I will show you how this differed from the Biblical one.

Let us see what Slave breeding in United States was (Source:Wikipedia)-
"Slave breeding included coerced sexual relations between male and female slaves, promoting pregnancies of slaves, and favouring female slaves who could produce a relatively large number of children."
Slave accounts: "In the antebellum years, numerous escaped slaves wrote about their experiences in books called slave narratives. Many recounted that at least a portion of slave owners continuously interfered in the sexual lives of their slaves (usually the women). The slave narratives also testified that slave women were subjected to arranged marriages, forced matings, sexual violation by masters, their sons or overseers, and other forms of abuse."
According to many scholars who look at the repetitive descriptions in texts that were written around same time of other cultures from well documented Graeco-Roman culture, owning slaves was as status symbol for masters, this showed a level of luxury. In addition to showing luxury,  possession of slaves was necessary for a good family background. So masters desired to increase their slaves. Giving their female slaves to male slaves in marriage was way to beget him more slaves. Similarly, it was a desire and blessing for a Hebrew male slave who is in debt to get a wife without paying a dowry. A dowry sometimes called a bride price or bride wealth was a payment made by a man as a gift to the family (Genesis 34:12Genesis 24:531Kings 9:16). Hebrew male slave probably was aware of the consequence he was going to face. So by accepting the blessing he entered into voluntary indentured servitude which is moral. Exodus 21:5 shows that the slave had a great affection for his master, and accepted this so that he may enjoy his wife and children he dearly loved; he was no doubt often well treated which made him prefer slavery with comfort to freedom with destitution. 

Exodus 21:4  in contrast to the Slave breeding in United States  was moral because forced sex was not allowed as rape was prohibited and interference in the sexual life of slaves by masters was not allowed as adultery was prohibited (Exodus 20:14Leviticus 19:20). Female slaves who were betrothed to master's son were to be dealt according to the custom of daughters by their master (Exodus 21:9).

Arranged marriages were common in Bible times, and it was possible that the bride and groom might not even know each other until they met at the wedding ceremony. But unfortunately atheists are unable to distinguish the difference between arranged marriages and forced marriages. What seems strange to modern westerners is that neither sexual attraction nor love was considered a necessary prelude to marriage. Parents who arranged a marriage for their children assumed that love and affection would grow out of intimate acquaintance and sexual bonding that naturally takes place in a marriage (Note: God didn't say anything about arranged marriages it was a culture). The basic difference between forced marriage and arranged marriage was: in arranged marriages brides were given some choice regarding whether she accepted the offer (Genesis 24:57-58). By these we can understand that the  marriage of female slave should not be considered as forced but arranged. Deuteronomy 22:25-27 tells that God was against forced sex and so God wouldn't have permitted arranged marriages if it was being done forcefully.

During historical periods covered by the Bible, most societies were patriarchal, meaning men held exclusive power with the rare exception of ruling queen. A man was needed for woman's protection and for her economical supports. So women mostly depended on men. So it can be assumed that female slave agreed marrying. 

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